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M&P Locksmith

M&P Locksmith is a family-owned, full-service mobile locksmith business serving the entire Phoenix Metro! We are dedicated to providing great service at a fair price! We provide a wide range of mobile locksmith services including but not limited to On-Site Key Cutting, Car Key Programming, High-Security Keys, Re-keys, Car Lockouts, Home Lockouts, Business Lockouts, and other Emergency Locksmith Services.

Serving Area

85210 Mesa


Phone: 4808878656

last update on 03/02/2022

Entry id: 36472529

Social Networks
The company did not add any social networks.
Opening Hours
Monday 06:00  - 00:00
Tuesday 06:00  - 00:00
Wednesday 06:00  - 00:00
Thursday 06:00  - 00:00
Friday 06:00  - 20:00
Saturday closed
Sunday 08:00  - 22:00

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M&P Locksmith is a family-owned, full-service mobile locksmith business serving the entire Phoenix Metro! We are dedicated to providing great service at a fair price! We provide a wide range of mobile locksmith services including but not limited to On-Site Key Cutting, Car Key Programming, High-Security Keys, Re-keys, Car Lockouts, Home Lockouts, Business Lockouts, and other Emergency Locksmith Services.
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