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Jiffy Locksmith

At Jiffy Locksmith our mission is to provide affordable, high-quality locksmith service FAST! We are a full-service mobile locksmith, that means we come to you! We handle all types of jobs from on-site key cutting and programming, house lockouts, vehicle lockouts, re-keys, hardware repair, and more! Give us a call and get your locksmith problem solved in a jiffy!

Serving Area

85234 Gilbert


Phone: (480)576-2254

last update on 02/22/2022

Entry id: 36468394

Social Networks
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Opening Hours
Monday 06:00  - 00:00
Tuesday 06:00  - 00:00
Wednesday 06:00  - 00:00
Thursday 06:00  - 00:00
Friday 06:00  - 20:00
Saturday closed
Sunday 08:00  - 22:00

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At Jiffy Locksmith our mission is to provide affordable, high-quality locksmith service FAST! We are a full-service mobile locksmith, that means we come to you! We handle all types of jobs from on-site key cutting and programming, house lockouts, vehicle lockouts, re-keys, hardware repair, and more! Give us a call and get your locksmith problem solved in a jiffy!
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