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The Law Offices of Peter N. Davis & Associates, LLC

Attorney Peter N. Davis founded The Law Offices of Peter N. Davis & Associates, LLC in 1989. Since then, our firm has helped countless injured individuals and families in Paterson, New Jersey, recovering millions in settlements and verdicts. Dedicated to aiding those affected by others' carelessness, we provide personal, compassionate, and aggressive representation as accident and personal injury attorney. We assist clients with medical bills, lost wages, and more, ensuring each case receives the attention it deserves. Our mission is to help others and uphold justice, offering free case reviews to those in need.

100 Hamilton Plaza, Suite 420

07505 Paterson

New Jersey

Phone: +18622395262

last update on 07/05/2024

Entry id: 39767598

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Attorney Peter N. Davis founded The Law Offices of Peter N. Davis & Associates, LLC in 1989. Since then, our firm has helped countless injured individuals and families in Paterson, New Jersey, recovering millions in settlements and verdicts. Dedicated to aiding those affected by others' carelessness, we provide personal, compassionate, and aggressive representation as accident and personal injury attorney. We assist clients with medical bills, lost wages, and more, ensuring each case receives the attention it deserves. Our mission is to help others and uphold justice, offering free case reviews to those in need.
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