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Sidney Sacks Agency Inc.

"When my father Sid Sacks founded the Sidney Sacks Agency in 1936, the landscape in Montgomery County, PA looked different than it does today, but our values remain the same. Sid grew up on a farm in Cedars, PA, where he learned the value of hard work and honest pay. People still remember Sid as a gifted baseball player as well as a man of integrity. He also had an unforgettable sense of humor.

199 West Johnson Highway

19401 Norristown


Phone: 610 2709180

last update on 11/16/2021

Entry id: 21040114

Social Networks
The company did not add any social networks.
Opening Hours
Monday 08:30  - 16:30
Tuesday 08:30  - 16:30
Wednesday 08:30  - 16:30
Thursday 08:30  - 16:30
Friday 08:30  - 16:30
Saturday closed
Sunday closed

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"When my father Sid Sacks founded the Sidney Sacks Agency in 1936, the landscape in Montgomery County, PA looked different than it does today, but our values remain the same. Sid grew up on a farm in Cedars, PA, where he learned the value of hard work and honest pay. People still remember Sid as a gifted baseball player as well as a man of integrity. He also had an unforgettable sense of humor.
This company cares for its listings. Checked listing
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