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Shaoxing Shangyu Peijie Import & Export Co., Ltd.

Shaoxing Shangyu Peijie Import & Export Co., Ltd. was established in 2018. It is a professional foreign trade company dealing in import and export trade. It carries out domestic and foreign trade, joint ventures, cooperative production, re-export trade business and other ways. We have two own factories, producing plastic balls and stainless steel balls respectively.

No.1589 Renmin West Road Shangyu Shaoxing

315400 Ningbo

New York

Phone: 86 57582679008

Fax: 86 57589287635

Service: 86 18857539999

last update on 05/19/2020

Entry id: 34034996

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Shaoxing Shangyu Peijie Import & Export Co., Ltd. was established in 2018. It is a professional foreign trade company dealing in import and export trade. It carries out domestic and foreign trade, joint ventures, cooperative production, re-export trade business and other ways. We have two own factories, producing plastic balls and stainless steel balls respectively.
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