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Runma Cartesian Robot Arm Co., Ltd.

Runma is an experienced plastic injection molding robot manufacturer,starting our business for nearly 20 years and devoting ourselves to the manufacturing of such robotics as linear robot,cartesian robot,in-mold-labelling automation,servo robot arm,traverse robot,sprue picker robot from the efforts in R&D, manufacturing and service of industrial automation robots and robotics.

Based on the increasing progress,Runma automation robot manufacturer has always prevailed in this trade and received good reputation from our customers across the world.Runma is a professioal robot manufacturer and is capable of producing high quality robot.Runma automation robot manufacturer is looking forward to the cooperation for mutual benefits.

Vesey St

10007 New York

New York

Phone: 212 2331987

last update on 02/19/2020

Entry id: 32442219

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Runma Cartesian Robot Arm Co., Ltd. did not receive any ratings yet.
Runma is an experienced plastic injection molding robot manufacturer,starting our business for nearly 20 years and devoting ourselves to the manufacturing of such robotics as linear robot,cartesian robot,in-mold-labelling automation,servo robot arm,traverse robot,sprue picker robot from the efforts in R&D, manufacturing and service of industrial automation robots and robotics.

Based on the increasing progress,Runma automation robot manufacturer has always prevailed in this trade and received good reputation from our customers across the world.Runma is a professioal robot manufacturer and is capable of producing high quality robot.Runma automation robot manufacturer is looking forward to the cooperation for mutual benefits.
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