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Park Place Assisted Living

Park Place Assisted Living In Reno Nevada

Park Place is peacefully situated on 2.5 acres of beautifully-landscaped grounds overlooking the city of Reno, the Sierra Nevada, and adjacent to scenic Rancho San Rafael Park. Here, you or your loved one can relax and enjoy a quality of life you won't find anywhere else. And, even in such a lovely, quiet, and serene setting, Park Place is affordable.

2305 Ives Court

89503 Reno


Phone: 775 2040486

last update on 11/21/2023

Entry id: 31044302

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Opening Hours
Monday 00:00  - 23:59
Tuesday 00:00  - 23:59
Wednesday 00:00  - 23:59
Thursday 00:00  - 23:59
Friday 00:00  - 23:59
Saturday 00:00  - 23:59
Sunday 00:00  - 23:59

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Park Place Assisted Living In Reno Nevada

Park Place is peacefully situated on 2.5 acres of beautifully-landscaped grounds overlooking the city of Reno, the Sierra Nevada, and adjacent to scenic Rancho San Rafael Park. Here, you or your loved one can relax and enjoy a quality of life you won't find anywhere else. And, even in such a lovely, quiet, and serene setting, Park Place is affordable.
This company cares for its listings. Checked listing
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