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PTA Thrift Shop of La Habra, Inc.

We are a non-profit all volunteer organization since 1958. We provide free clothing to the needy students and families in 3 school districts, plus the homeless in our community. We sell used clothing from preemie to 5XL, housewares, small furniture, home and holiday decor, baby items, bicycles, etc.

551 West Whittier Boulevard

90631 La Habra


Phone: 562691-6375

last update on 07/04/2024

Entry id: 39765620

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PTA Thrift Shop of La Habra, Inc. did not receive any ratings yet.
We are a non-profit all volunteer organization since 1958. We provide free clothing to the needy students and families in 3 school districts, plus the homeless in our community. We sell used clothing from preemie to 5XL, housewares, small furniture, home and holiday decor, baby items, bicycles, etc.
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Generated in 0.113 seconds 10.06.2024 12:54:11 (34cc0)
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