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LucasGame Studios

LucasGame Studios, is an American software development studio, that specializes in creating video games. The company is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and was established in 2012 with the goal of creating and publishing video games. The company was started by Luke Japaridze while he was in middle school and was later joined by David Kubala in their junior year of high school. In addition to being an independent developer, LucasGame Studios offers contract work for just about anything, ranging from working on video games and animation to photography/cinematography work.
(from one rating)

11829 Stratfield Place Circle

28134 Pineville

North Carolina

Phone: 704/5168435

last update on 01/24/2019

Entry id: 29169653

Opening Hours
Monday 11:00  - 23:59
Tuesday 11:00  - 23:59
Wednesday 11:00  - 23:59
Thursday 11:00  - 23:59
Friday 11:00  - 23:59
Saturday 11:00  - 23:59
Sunday 11:00  - 23:59

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Work within schedule

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Work within schedule: 
I really like the games from the studio. Thanks a lot
LucasGame Studios, is an American software development studio, that specializes in creating video games. The company is headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina and was established in 2012 with the goal of creating and publishing video games. The company was started by Luke Japaridze while he was in middle school and was later joined by David Kubala in their junior year of high school. In addition to being an independent developer, LucasGame Studios offers contract work for just about anything, ranging from working on video games and animation to photography/cinematography work.
The correctness of the entry was confirmed on 01/24/2019.
This company cares for its listings. Checked listing
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