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Heromaid is a business that was started in 2014 and quickly became San Jose’s best house cleaning service, ranking at the top across every review site. How’d we do it? We focused on employee success. Most cleaning companies hire with no training, no health or damage coverage for both client and worker, and no accountability. We focused on hiring only the best of the best—hard-working people who deserve to be paid well for their performance and rewarded. Our cleaners love working with us; they take very good care of our customers, and our customers love what we do for their homes and families.

Home Cleaning Services San Jose
Carpet Cleaning Services San Jose
House cleaning service San Jose
Cleaning Service San Jose
Move In and Move Out Cleaning San Jose
Deep Cleaning San Jose

690 Saratoga Ave, Suite 100

95129 San Jose


Phone: 4084268300

last update on 07/05/2024

Entry id: 39767587

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Heromaid is a business that was started in 2014 and quickly became San Jose’s best house cleaning service, ranking at the top across every review site. How’d we do it? We focused on employee success. Most cleaning companies hire with no training, no health or damage coverage for both client and worker, and no accountability. We focused on hiring only the best of the best—hard-working people who deserve to be paid well for their performance and rewarded. Our cleaners love working with us; they take very good care of our customers, and our customers love what we do for their homes and families.

Home Cleaning Services San Jose
Carpet Cleaning Services San Jose
House cleaning service San Jose
Cleaning Service San Jose
Move In and Move Out Cleaning San Jose
Deep Cleaning San Jose
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