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GreenPal Lawn Care of Los Angeles

GreenPal Lawn Care of Los Angeles is the best lawn care service in the LA area, promising to keep your yard looking beautiful year-round. We are proud of our track record of success and provide top-notch service every time. Whether you live on a commercial or residential property, we understand that no two spaces are exactly the same – that’s why we go out of our way to make sure all your unique needs are met. Our experienced staff is highly trained and knowledgeable about all aspects of lawn care so that you get great results.

Our staff includes landscaping experts, groundskeepers and snow removal technicians with years of experience providing high quality services such as lawn mowing, bush trimming, tree planting, edging, weed control, and much more! We use the latest equipment to ensure optimal results each time while keeping safety top of mind at all times. Plus, you no longer have to worry about those back breaking weekend jobs- with GreenPal Lawn Care of Los Angeles, all your lawn care needs will be taken care of promptly and professionally without lifting a finger.

To really show we mean business when it comes to providing quality service, we offer a satisfaction guarantee with every job we do - so if for some reason your yard isn’t up to par our team will take extra steps to ensure it meets or exceeds expectations. With decades in the lawn care industry behind us and an eye for excellence in everything we do, rest assured that with GreenPal Lawn Care of Los Angeles your yard will receive only the best treatment available in town!
(from one rating)

3415 S Sepulveda Blvd #1100

90034 Los Angeles


Phone: +1866-798-4485

last update on 09/09/2023

Entry id: 39596364

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Work within schedule

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Work within schedule: 
We were very pleased with GreenPal Lawn Care of Los Angeles.
GreenPal Lawn Care of Los Angeles is the best lawn care service in the LA area, promising to keep your yard looking beautiful year-round. We are proud of our track record of success and provide top-notch service every time. Whether you live on a commercial or residential property, we understand that no two spaces are exactly the same – that’s why we go out of our way to make sure all your unique needs are met. Our experienced staff is highly trained and knowledgeable about all aspects of lawn care so that you get great results.

Our staff includes landscaping experts, groundskeepers and snow removal technicians with years of experience providing high quality services such as lawn mowing, bush trimming, tree planting, edging, weed control, and much more! We use the latest equipment to ensure optimal results each time while keeping safety top of mind at all times. Plus, you no longer have to worry about those back breaking weekend jobs- with GreenPal Lawn Care of Los Angeles, all your lawn care needs will be taken care of promptly and professionally without lifting a finger.

To really show we mean business when it comes to providing quality service, we offer a satisfaction guarantee with every job we do - so if for some reason your yard isn’t up to par our team will take extra steps to ensure it meets or exceeds expectations. With decades in the lawn care industry behind us and an eye for excellence in everything we do, rest assured that with GreenPal Lawn Care of Los Angeles your yard will receive only the best treatment available in town!
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