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Don's Auto Service

Repairs are something that we all need to have done to our vehicles from time to time and you don't want to take a chance with just anyone. Don's Auto Service has experienced technicians who offer many different repair options perfect for your vehicle. We provide state inspections as well as leak detections to offer you the one stop shop option. Don’s Auto Service experienced technicians inspect your vehicle to determine the necessary maintenance, confer with you and complete those repairs completely to ensure that your car is working properly before you take your vehicle back onto the road.

1885 South Old Highway 94

63303 St Peters


Phone: 636 9476160

last update on 03/14/2024

Entry id: 31596805

Social Networks
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Opening Hours
Monday 08:30  - 17:30
Tuesday 08:30  - 17:30
Wednesday 08:30  - 17:30
Thursday 08:30  - 17:30
Friday 08:30  - 17:30
Saturday closed
Sunday closed

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Repairs are something that we all need to have done to our vehicles from time to time and you don't want to take a chance with just anyone. Don's Auto Service has experienced technicians who offer many different repair options perfect for your vehicle. We provide state inspections as well as leak detections to offer you the one stop shop option. Don’s Auto Service experienced technicians inspect your vehicle to determine the necessary maintenance, confer with you and complete those repairs completely to ensure that your car is working properly before you take your vehicle back onto the road.
This company cares for its listings. Checked listing
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