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Carlisle Manor

Carlisle Manor is a nursing & rehabilitation facility that provides you or your loved one with quality care in a comfortable environment that feels like home. Our certified professionals strive to help patients reach their maximum potential in a variety of services such as rehabilitation, skilled nursing, and wound care. We genuinely care about our residents and each other and are willing to go above and beyond to provide exceptional care every day. Contact us for more information about Carlisle Manor!

730 Hillcrest Avenue

45005 Carlisle


Phone: 937 7462662

last update on 11/15/2023

Entry id: 29873794

Social Networks
The company did not add any social networks.
Opening Hours
Monday 00:00  - 23:59
Tuesday 00:00  - 23:59
Wednesday 00:00  - 23:59
Thursday 00:00  - 23:59
Friday 00:00  - 23:59
Saturday 00:00  - 23:59
Sunday 00:00  - 23:59

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Carlisle Manor is a nursing & rehabilitation facility that provides you or your loved one with quality care in a comfortable environment that feels like home. Our certified professionals strive to help patients reach their maximum potential in a variety of services such as rehabilitation, skilled nursing, and wound care. We genuinely care about our residents and each other and are willing to go above and beyond to provide exceptional care every day. Contact us for more information about Carlisle Manor!
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