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California Flooring and Design

At California Flooring & Design, we specialize in San Diego vinyl flooring solutions that are designed to meet your unique needs. As a trusted company in the industry, we understand that investing in flooring requires careful consideration. That's why our team of experts is here to provide personalized guidance and ensure you make the right choice. With a wide range of beautiful and durable flooring options, including hardwood and carpet, we have the perfect solution for any space. Our commitment to customer satisfaction sets us apart, as we work closely with our clients to deliver personalized solutions that reflect their style and preferences. We take pride in our unmatched productivity and responsiveness, never over-promising or underestimating the complexity of your project. Choose California Flooring & Design for your San Diego vinyl flooring needs, and let us create a stunning and functional environment that will stand the test of time.

Business Email:[email protected]

Services : Hardwood Flooring, Carpet Flooring, Vinyl Flooring,Hardwood,Carpet,Laminate,Tile and stone,Installation,Cleaning,Restoration

8266 Miramar Road

92126 San Diego


Phone: +1858-408-0047

last update on 06/05/2023

Entry id: 39543860

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At California Flooring & Design, we specialize in San Diego vinyl flooring solutions that are designed to meet your unique needs. As a trusted company in the industry, we understand that investing in flooring requires careful consideration. That's why our team of experts is here to provide personalized guidance and ensure you make the right choice. With a wide range of beautiful and durable flooring options, including hardwood and carpet, we have the perfect solution for any space. Our commitment to customer satisfaction sets us apart, as we work closely with our clients to deliver personalized solutions that reflect their style and preferences. We take pride in our unmatched productivity and responsiveness, never over-promising or underestimating the complexity of your project. Choose California Flooring & Design for your San Diego vinyl flooring needs, and let us create a stunning and functional environment that will stand the test of time.

Business Email:[email protected]

Services : Hardwood Flooring, Carpet Flooring, Vinyl Flooring,Hardwood,Carpet,Laminate,Tile and stone,Installation,Cleaning,Restoration
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