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Beverly Hills Gymnastics Center

Beverly Hills Gymnastics Center is the first and foremost gymnastics center in the exclusive city of Beverly Hills. With a reputation for top-notch instruction, innovative programs, and a comprehensive curriculum, we are dedicated to fostering the development of happy and healthy children. Located at 9135 W Olympic Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90212, our center is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to provide a safe and inspiring environment for gymnasts of all ages and skill levels.

Our classes cater to a diverse range of students, including children, special needs individuals, and adults. We offer Parent & Me classes, Mini-Tots programs for preschoolers, and advanced classes for both boys and girls. Our coaching staff consists of certified instructors who are passionate about nurturing each student's potential and helping them achieve their goals. In addition to regular classes, we also offer private lessons and in-home instruction.

9135 W Olympic Blvd

90212 Beverly Hills


Phone: /3102041980

last update on 04/09/2024

Entry id: 39545168

Social Networks
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Opening Hours
Monday 09:00  - 21:00
Tuesday 09:00  - 21:00
Wednesday 09:00  - 21:00
Thursday 09:00  - 21:00
Friday 09:00  - 21:00
Saturday 09:00  - 21:00
Sunday 09:00  - 21:00

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Beverly Hills Gymnastics Center is the first and foremost gymnastics center in the exclusive city of Beverly Hills. With a reputation for top-notch instruction, innovative programs, and a comprehensive curriculum, we are dedicated to fostering the development of happy and healthy children. Located at 9135 W Olympic Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90212, our center is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to provide a safe and inspiring environment for gymnasts of all ages and skill levels.

Our classes cater to a diverse range of students, including children, special needs individuals, and adults. We offer Parent & Me classes, Mini-Tots programs for preschoolers, and advanced classes for both boys and girls. Our coaching staff consists of certified instructors who are passionate about nurturing each student's potential and helping them achieve their goals. In addition to regular classes, we also offer private lessons and in-home instruction.
The correctness of the entry was confirmed on 04/09/2024.
This company cares for its listings. Checked listing
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