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Bethesda Custom Closets

Custom Closet design/ installation in homes. We now offer Hunter Douglass window coverings as well. We serve a more affluent clientele. Closets, pantries, garage systems, home office.

Bethesda Custom Closets is a small family business, led by Mike and Lindsay Steiner. We have been designing and installing custom home closets for home owners and premier home builders in the DC Metro area since 2002.

Improve the appearance of your home. Provides organization for your belongings. Unique customizable finishes. Free estimates. Exceptional customer service. NO PRESSURE sales

11821 Parklawn Dr., Suite 100,

20852 Rockville


Phone: (240) 481-2331

last update on 07/03/2024

Entry id: 39765071

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Custom Closet design/ installation in homes. We now offer Hunter Douglass window coverings as well. We serve a more affluent clientele. Closets, pantries, garage systems, home office.

Bethesda Custom Closets is a small family business, led by Mike and Lindsay Steiner. We have been designing and installing custom home closets for home owners and premier home builders in the DC Metro area since 2002.

Improve the appearance of your home. Provides organization for your belongings. Unique customizable finishes. Free estimates. Exceptional customer service. NO PRESSURE sales
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