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All American Public Adjuster

Local Public Adjuster dedicated to helping homeowners with their insurance claims. We don't get paid unless our clients do.

At All American Public Adjusters, our goal is to help you when disaster strikes. We will come to you and evaluate your property damage along with your policy information. We will assist you with properly reporting your loss to your insurance company. We will then prepare an estimate for your insurance carrier and work with your insurance adjuster to get you the maximum settlement. Our company has years of experience handling property damage claims. Our company is extremely knowledgeable and experienced with reference to to property damage, code requirements, law changes, and insurance policies.

53 Powder Horn Dr

32164 Palm Coast


Phone: +1(800) 501-1230

last update on 07/04/2024

Entry id: 39766046

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Local Public Adjuster dedicated to helping homeowners with their insurance claims. We don't get paid unless our clients do.

At All American Public Adjusters, our goal is to help you when disaster strikes. We will come to you and evaluate your property damage along with your policy information. We will assist you with properly reporting your loss to your insurance company. We will then prepare an estimate for your insurance carrier and work with your insurance adjuster to get you the maximum settlement. Our company has years of experience handling property damage claims. Our company is extremely knowledgeable and experienced with reference to to property damage, code requirements, law changes, and insurance policies.
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